C&M Southern Midways
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C&M offers a balanced variety of rides, food, and games. We have rides like the Ferris Wheel for the the more timid riders, and the Gravatron or the Paratrooper for the thrill seekers!! We provide traditional midway foods such as Polish Sausage and Corn Dogs or for the sweeter side, we have Cotton Candy and Funnel Cakes. We offer games of skill and children's prize every time games, like the Duck pond or Kiddie Basketball. We're good at what we do because it's all we do!!!


Our rides are inspected every setup by our maintnance team.
 Daily, by our ride operators.
Weekly, by local and state safety inspectors.
 Annually, by our insurance company's inspectors. 
Our ride operators are well trained in all aspects of their particular ride. Including setup, procedure, inspection and operation.


During the event C&M Southern Midways will:

1. Will hire off-duty police officers as security during the hours of operation.
2. Supply Port-a-potties for the public when needed.
3. Maintain the cleanliness of the midway during our stay and prior to our departure.
4. Provide you with a copy of our insurance policy prior to opening.


1.Secure a suitable site for the carnival within the celebration activities.
2. Supply one (1) water source for the food concessions and one (1) 110 volt electrical source for our security officer trailer.
3. Secure any permits and/or licenses that may be required by city, state, or county if needed.
Charles Haisch
